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The strategic rise of Costa Rica as a premier outsourcing hub for tech product companies

Tech product companies are ruling the roost universally, with new products and services, making technology a highly fast-paced sphere. The slew of new technologies that are getting churned regularly has made the market highly competitive. In such a scenario, tech product companies are forced to ensure that they allocate their best resources to development and innovation. This, in turn, has also given rise to a range of outsourced services like contact center solutions or BPO services that are using outsourced providers to do this efficiently.

Digital skill gaps and fast-paced market changes have become more prominent in today’s business landscape – and this has created acute problems for global enterprises aiming to cut costs. Thus, the decision to outsource takes a totally different meaning and comes to be viewed not only as a cost-cutting measure but also as a strategy to improve business processes and innovations. The main component of outbound call center services success is picking the right partners and locations. In such a scenario, Costa Rica increasingly appears to be at the forefront in terms of IT outsourcing services.

Why Costa Rica is an important destination for outsourcing for tech product companies

Three key reasons are as below:

1. Remarkable tech talent in an optimal location

Costa Rica demonstrates a strong commitment to education, investing 6.7% of its GDP and annually producing 43,000 graduates, including over 7,000 in STEM fields. The country benefits from a young median workforce age of 33 and a robust English proficiency, ranking second in Latin America on English language tests for non-native speakers. These attributes, combined with a time zone compatible with the U.S., position Costa Rica as an attractive nearshore outsourcing option.

2. A tech leadership and digital skills hub

Costa Rica hosts over 450 IT firms that are famous for their expertise in sectors like AI, IoT, and Cybersecurity to name a few. It has advanced infrastructure that is powered by clean energy up to 98% and there has also been mass internet penetration and electricity coverage to the entire country. San Jose, often likened to Silicon Valley in the US, hosts over 300 multinational companies within its free trade zone, further cementing its status as a digital skills hub.

3. Poised for future growth in digital services

The country is showing signs of substantial economic and population increase, with a GDP increase of 9.9% in 2021 and a steady population growth rate. Now, around 1.5 million people live in the area of the capital city, with the most advanced technology infrastructure, which is very beneficial for those who are looking for additional employment in this industry. The digital technology sector saw an addition of over 23,000 workers in 2019 alone.

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Movate and Tech product companies in Costa Rica

In particular, the country’s efforts to develop the education system, implement infrastructure, and employ sustainable development have borne fruit. Further, being in a favorable geographical location and economical position places it as the number one in contact center automation services outsourcing in Latin America. This demonstrates how nations can take leverage of their own unique capabilities to close global gaps and assist in driving their economic growth clinically. Countries like India, Columbia, and Poland are also very favorable locations have Movate delivery centers for BPO and call center outsourcing services. Movate leverages over 20 years of experience to elevate your support center from ordinary to extraordinary through our multi-level tiered support system, transforming how technology enterprises deliver world-class customer support.

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